What Happens to Organic Materials in San José?

Compostable material in a garbage container being turned into compost.

Ever wonder why San José doesn’t have a separate curbside container to put food scraps, compostable paper (e.g. paper towels, paper napkins, some takeout containers, coffee filters) and other organics? San José has a unique system by which all residential garbage is first taken to a facility where organic materials, like food scraps and compostable paper items, are separated for composting. Once the organics have been separated out, they are delivered to a compost facility right here in Santa Clara County. Leftover materials that can’t be composted – called “residue” – are taken to the landfill. This system is referred to as “backend processing” and is why you don’t have a separate organics bin or cart at home.

San José residents should place all food scraps and compostable paper in their curbside garbage container, and the collection companies and processors will take care of the rest. Finished compost is used on landscaping and median projects, returning nutrients to the soil, improving soil structure, and conserving water. This system of recycling organic waste fights climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and helps the City comply with state regulations to reduce organic waste disposal. Watch the GreenWaste Materials Recovery Facility in action here.


What if I Set Out Yard Trimmings in a Pile or Cart?

If you set out yard trimmings either in a loose pile in the street or use a green yard trimmings cart, these are for yard trimmings only. Yard trimmings include items like branches, prunings, leaves, palm fronds, and grass. Do not place food scraps or compostable paper items in your yard trimmings pile or cart. For that matter, dog poop bags do not belong in yard trimmings piles.

Residential yard trimmings are collected and processed separately from the organics separated from your garbage. Yard trimmings are shredded, mulched, and made into a higher-quality compost, commonly used for local agriculture. Watch this video to see how residential yard trimmings are transformed into compost.


Compost at Home

Interested in composting at home? Residents are encouraged to try home composting to turn organic material into compost for their yard or garden. To learn home composting basics and sign up for a free composting class (currently held online and tentatively in-person later this summer), visit the Santa Clara County Composting Education Program website. Home composting bins will be available for purchase at the workshops.


Stop Food Waste in the First Place

Even though San José’s residential food scraps are composted, it’s still important to avoid wasting food in the first place – check out our food waste reduction tips and tricks.

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