Coffee Filters

Put in Garbage Cart/Bin

Compost Unbleached Filters

Tear or shred filters to help them decompose more quickly. Also, keep them inside the compost pile so they stay moist — do not let them dry out on top. Avoid composting filters that have been bleached with chemicals.


Tea Bags are Trash

Tea bags can contain plastic and are therefore trash. However, loose leaf tea leaves can go in the organics bin.

Ways to Reduce


Try Another Brewing Method

Other methods of making coffee, such as French presses or espresso makers, don’t require any single-use materials.

Use a Reusable Filter

Try using a metal or cotton reusable filter instead of disposable paper filters.

Ways to Reuse


Reuse Paper Filters

Most coffee filters can be reused multiple times before they stop being effective. Dump out or compost the grounds, then rinse and dry the filter.