Christmas Trees (Real) Yard Trimmings Cart/Pile Natural and flocked trees will be collected for recycling on the same day as your garbage, recycling, and yard trimmings. Remove all tinsel, decorations, and the tree stand. Cut into 5-foot pieces. Place in the street 1-foot from the curb and 5-feet from your garbage and recycling carts and parked vehicles. Set out by 6:00 am on your collection days. Multi-Family Dwelling residents should contact their property manager for instructions. Contact GreenWaste Recovery at (408) 283-4800 for collection or service inquiries. Ways to Reduce Decorate a Potted Tree Instead It may be unconventional, but skipping the traditional Christmas tree (real or fake) altogether and decorating a potted tree you’ve bought or have in your home is a truly green way to have a tree for the holidays. Buy a Rooted Tree and Plant It After the Holidays Next holiday season, buy a tree with roots (it can be balled and burlap or containerized) and plant it in your yard after you use it. Did You Know? Christmas Trees as Job Creators According to the National Christmas Tree Association (NCTA), the Christmas tree industry employs more than 100,000 people in the United States. The Environmental Benefits of Christmas Trees Although they’re planted just to be cut down and used as a decoration once they’ve reached maturity, Christmas tree farms have a positive impact on the environment. Each acre of Christmas trees produces enough oxygen for the daily needs of 18 people.