
Put in Recycling Cart/Bin

Cut large boxes small enough to fit loosely inside the recycling cart. Tape, glue and other adhesives are OK.  Do not put whole boxes out for collection. Any extra cardboard can be broken down to maximum 4′ by 4′ and balanced against the side of the recycling cart for pickup.  

Any additional packaging such as expanded polystyrene, twist ties, bubble wrap or air pillows need to be removed from cardboard packaging.

Boxes stained with grease or oil should be put in the garbage cart.

If you have moving boxes that are in good condition, consider donating them.


Break Down Boxes

It’s easier for sanitation workers to handle and sort boxes that are broken down. Make sure to break down your cardboard boxes.


Clean Cardboard Only

Do not recycle cardboard that is wet or contaminated by food residue or grease. You can recycle clean pieces of cardboard by cutting away the soiled pieces.


Corrugated Cardboard Is Recyclable

All types of cardboard can be recycled except if they’re coated in wax. Recycle corrugated cardboard when possible.


Shiny or Glossy Cardboard Is Recyclable

Shiny or glossy cardboard can be recycled, such as a toothpaste box. Waxed cardboard cannot be recycled, which you can identify by scratching off the wax.

Did You Know?

Going Flat: Good or Bad?

Check out this short cartoon for a tip on how to recycle cardboard.

Cardboard Recycling

About 70 percent of commercial shipping boxes that are made out of cardboard will be recycled. To be recycled, boxes are first turned into pulp, and then the fibers are separated and bleached. After these fibers are screened, they are washed, pressed and then rolled into paper.